North Lake Presbyterian Church is located in Lady Lake, Florida.

  • We are a Romans 12 congregation striving through God's mercy to:

    • Live as an offering to God

    • Live as an instrument of grace

    • Live as members of one another

    • Live as a spiritual fountain

    • Live as a blessing to others

    • Live as a force for good

    North Lake Presbyterian Church lives to worship and glorify God with joy and enthusiasm, and to encourage others to draw closer to Him.

  • To grow the community of Christ followers.

  • To be Christ followers who share Christ's love with the community through our words and actions.


  • God loves to create, and He creates in order to love. God’s loving nature blesses the world and all who dwell in it. “His steadfast love endures forever” (Psalm 136:1). With love for the people of his creation, God provides, guides, encourages, disciplines, forgives, redeems, and raises to new life.

  • God “sent his only Son into the world to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins” (1 John 4:10). We recognize that God’s loving intervention is offered for all of our sins and for all sinners. He desires and welcomes everyone to accept his gift of love, offered in Jesus, and to live accordingly.

  • The same Spirit that inspired the Bible and blew life into the early church is still at work in the world. The Spirit of the Lord empowers, encourages, and counsels the followers of Jesus. At North Lake we seek to be a people who abide in God’s love, sharing a relationship with Jesus Christ, and sharing his love with others.

    As a congregation in the Presbyterian Church (USA), our beliefs flow from the dynamic Christian creeds adopted in our Book of Confessions, including such classic statements as the Apostles Creed and the Westminster Confession of Faith. Although our church has been shaped by the historic faith of the Presbyterian Church, North Lake has not always aligned with decisions of the denomination. Regardless of differing convictions and interpretations of scripture, we welcome everyone to worship, to experience the fellowship of Christian community, and to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18 NRSV). We appreciate and seek to embody an old adage for the Church: In essentials unity, in non-essentials Why? Because “God is love!”

    But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.  -2 Peter 3:18 (NRSV).

    So we have known and believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them.  -1 John 4:16 (NRSV).


  • In 1992, with the aid of the Central Florida Presbytery, we purchased land on Rolling Acres Road and built our first facility which included meeting rooms and a fellowship hall which also served as the worship center. Before the first service was held, it again became obvious that we needed much larger facilities. This led to further planning and the construction of the sanctuary worship center which accommodates 1200 people and opened in 1998.  

  • On July 28, 2013, we dedicated our newest addition which includes an expanded kitchen, additional meeting rooms and a new fellowship hall seating 500 for contemporary worship services and fellowship functions. In 2021 the choir room renovation project was completed. Walls were moved to open up the space, and new flooring, risers, chairs, and music storage cabinets were installed.

    With energy and vision the family of North Lake has taken on the mission of meeting many needs, both within our church family, in our community, and in the world. Our Big Three Ministries include Operation Homebound, Christian Food Pantry and Little Blessings Christian Preschool. Visit our Missions page.


Ministry Directors

  • Heather Hough

    Little Blessings Christian Preschool Director

  • Heather Hough

    Children's Ministry Director

  • Carrol Neal

    Christian Food Pantry Director

  • Chip Rice

    Operation Homebound Director

Ministry Support

  • David Belch

    Business Administrator

  • Shirley Beattie

    Office and Event Manager

  • Katie Guyette

    Administrative Assistant

  • Felicia Jagdatt

    Communications Coordinator

  • Katie Guyette

    Assistant Finance Manager

  • Mike Virga

    Buildings and Grounds

  • David Paul

    Buildings and Grounds

  • Chris Endsley

    Traditional Music Leader

  • Dave Sanders

    Contemporary Worship Leader

  • Anita Endsley

    Traditional Music Assistant

  • Matt Davis

    Chef OHB

  • Jane Belch

    OHB Assistant

  • Andy Hough

    IT and Safety


  • Lynn West

  • Alan Vicory

  • Ann Collins

  • Dick Young

  • Ginny Dever

  • Joe Fortenbaugh

  • James McKeithan

  • Judy Etheridge

  • Lyn Jensen

  • Tara Dirato